Come, relax and enjoy the ride!

I am excited to open my own cycling studio, Sol Pedal. To be doing what I love and have loved for the past 6 years is a blessing. Many of you have ridden many miles with me, so come back and lets travel together. Time flies as we cycle to an eclectic mix of music. I created the studio to be funky and fun, a place where you feel surrounded by happy, healthy energy.

So join the Ride. Its the only hour of your day that you can completely get away. We sweat, sing along, push each other and have a blast. Sure it's exercise, but that doesn't mean it can't be fun! After all, life is what you make it!

Thursday, September 30

Well done is better that well said. ~ Benjamin Franklin

Wednesday, September 29

Music is a safe kind of high. ~ Jimi Hendix
Listen to your favorite song today. Play it loud and sing even louder!

Tuesday, September 28

Health is the greatest possession.

Contentment is the greatest treasure.

Confidence is the greatest friend. ~ Lao Tzu

Monday, September 27

Showers washed all my cares away

I wake up to a sunny day

Cos' I love a rainy night

Yeah, I love a rainy night.

~ Eddie Rabbitt

Sunday, September 26

Failure is not reaching your goal, but in having no goal to reach. ~ Benjamin Mays
Set a goal and work toward it. There is no greater feeling than running that race, walking that race, climbing that moutain, acing that exam, selling that house, building that house - always have a goal. Never stop reaching.

Saturday, September 25

Nothing tastes as good as feeling good does. ~ Dr. Junger

Friday, September 24

Sometimes you have got to let everything go - purge yourself. If you are unhappy with anything...whatever is bringing you down, get rid of it. Because you will find when you're free, your true creativity, your true self comes out. ~ Tina Turner

Thursday, September 23

Tip for the change of seasons:

I am not sure why this works or where I even heard this cough remedy from, but trust me it is amazing. Anyone young or old suffering from a cough - especially at night - gently massage Vaper Rub on the soles of your feet and put on a pair of socks. You will rest easy all night with no coughing. Weird...sure, but better than syrupy cough meds.

Wednesday, September 22

Obstacles just melt away with the sunshine of a smile. ~ Danforth

So...completely melt away may be asking a bit much, but smiling does help to have a positive attitude when we take on any task. Cleaning, work, exercise, homework, errands, paying bills - everything becomes more pleasant with a smile. Try it.

Tuesday, September 21

People want to be happy. Don't keep serving them your pain. ~ Rumi
I watched a wonderful movie last night - Temple Grandin. It is the remarkable story of an autistic woman, diagnosed while it was still quite unknown. Clair Danes provides a brilliant depiction of Temple's life and her unyielding passion and sensativity for animal behavior. This is a biography of grace and beauty. Rent when you can.

Monday, September 20

You don't always have to hold you head higher than your heart. ~ Hope by Jack Johnson

Give yourself permission to feel as many emotions as you can this week.

Sunday, September 19

If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything. ~ Mark Twain

Be honest with yourself, be honest with others.

Saturday, September 18

Life is what happens when you are making other plans. ~ John Lennon

Make plans to live fully.

Friday, September 17

Find the joy in being alone.

Thursday, September 16

Remember, the entrance door to the santuary is inside you. ~ Rumi
It is not in another town, another car, another outfit, another spouse. You are complete. Be yourself!

Wednesday, September 15

The time to relax most is when you don't have time for it. ~ Sydney J. Harris

You have made it to the middle of your week and your month. Take a few minutes for yourself. Reset and recharge. You will be a better you.

and if you have the chance to try Cafe Karibo's Wednesday lunch special- it is delicious!

Tuesday, September 14

Physical life brings happiness, but mental life brings interest - a consuming, absorbing interest. How I pity that person, young or old, who cannot shut out the world, open a book, and go forth on an adventure of romance, travel, biography, history, or business. What a shame to see so many mental lives slow down after school days are over, just because people forget the necessity of everlasting studying if they expect to get anywhere. ~ William Danforth

Monday, September 13

There is no secret to good health other than just plain, good common sense. You wouldn't let your automobile go along, week after week, month after month, without the proper mixture of oil and gas and overhauling. Why, under heaven, do you expect your body to carry on without at least the same consideration? You wouldn't keep a dog or horse cooped up in a stall without a chance to stretch his legs. Then why do you expect to avoid trouble if you treat your own priceless machine in such a manner? Everybody knows these things, but so few do anything about it. I have never been able to understand why people are not willing to pay the small price for good health. ~ taken from I Dare You by William Danforth

Sunday, September 12

Man must play, work, love and worship to get the most out of life. ~ Sir Wilfred Grenfell

Saturday, September 11

The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good. ~ Samuel Johnson

Friday, September 10

Start everyday with a smile and get it over with. ~ Harriet Martineau

Force yourself if you have to, it will make you and all those around you feel better! Have a fabulous Friday!

Thursday, September 9

Two days and no laptop - how does that feel? I have gotten used to starting my day and hopefully yours with a little chunk of goodness. Just a feel good kind of message to get your day started. No surprise to me, I have missed it and found myself digging into some books the past two mornings to get that fix I needed. Sometimes, we must step aside, get out or our routine and see what about it we truly miss.

Now I was not completely out of the technology loop because I have my trusty Blackberry. Sure I received emails, a few FB additions, but for the most part I was out of the endless Internet loop I can get trapped in. It was surprising to me just how much time we spend (maybe waste) in front of our computers.

However, I am glad to have my laptop friend back. She is starting from scratch as my Microsoft office was wiped clean. No contacts, no photos, no documents left - a fresh start. Good to do that sometimes. Give yourself the OK to start over once in awhile - it feels good mentally and physically.

Tuesday, September 7

Good things happen when you go for it! ~ Alan Webb

Don't let things pass you by, go for what you want and what you believe in!

Sunday, September 5

Maroon Bells River - Aspen, CO

Let yourself be silently drawn by the stronger pull of what you truly love. ~ Rumi

Saturday, September 4

There's something amazingly liberating about letting go.

Let go of...
a habit, a mood, a sickness, an attitude, a relationship, a fear, a desire, a hunger, a thought - whatever is holding you back or keeping you down - let go.

Friday, September 3

Labor Day Weekend schedule:

Friday 8am, 5pm
Saturday 8am
Sunday 9am
Monday - Labor Day 8am (NO 6:15pm)

Thursday, September 2

Every block of stone has a statue inside it and it is the task of the sculptor to discover it. ~ Michelangel

Someone discovered the perfect amphitheatre in the rocks at Red Rocks. A concert at Red Rocks is one of those bucket lists kinda things. Find an artist you love and plan a trip around the show - it is well worth it!

Wednesday, September 1

If we are facing in the right direction, all we have to do is keep on walking. ~ Proverb

If it does not feel right, change directions.