Come, relax and enjoy the ride!

I am excited to open my own cycling studio, Sol Pedal. To be doing what I love and have loved for the past 6 years is a blessing. Many of you have ridden many miles with me, so come back and lets travel together. Time flies as we cycle to an eclectic mix of music. I created the studio to be funky and fun, a place where you feel surrounded by happy, healthy energy.

So join the Ride. Its the only hour of your day that you can completely get away. We sweat, sing along, push each other and have a blast. Sure it's exercise, but that doesn't mean it can't be fun! After all, life is what you make it!

Monday, March 1

So, I admit I am a pretty healthy eater. For the last year and a half, I have been vegetarian. It works for me, I feel great and have a ton of energy. Since being in the health and fitness industry for the past 6 years, I get lots of questions about what to eat. Everyone is different, no diet is going to work the same for any two people. I took the word "diet" out of my life awhile back, I think it gets the mind already thinking of what you can not have instead of what you can.
In the grocery store, I notice people eyeing what's in my cart. Oh, you will find your fair share of processed Goldfish, frozen pizzas, you know kid's food. However, for the most part, I try and gather the bulk of my groceries from the perimeter of the supermarket - and organic when it is available. (will be a whole other blog post on organic buying and what really makes a difference.)
For the most part, I enjoy and crave good healthy foods.
Chocolate is a true weakness for me, so I keep a little stash (not in view) to satisfy that craving. The fragrance of french fries tempt my taste buds too, however I know they will never be as good as they smell - same with movie theatre popcorn. I often indulge in it, but later think this was not even that good. So, why bother?
Eat from the earth, avoid heavily processed and packaged foods. Add spices for interest. Life is short, don't punish yourself to restricted "diet plates or plans." Make a lifestyle change of clean food and exercise and you will not want to contaminate your body with junk foods.
Make a habit of going to the Farmer's market downtown Saturday mornings with your kids, you will feel the goodness as you walk down the street - that's what it is all about. Feel alive, be present, enjoy good healthy choices. Make your plate pretty and enjoy every bite!


  1. Another thought, only eat when you are hungry. Just because the clocks says noon - if you are not hungry don't eat.

  2. I feel you get to a place where these are the things that really make you and your body healthy. My body craves healthy food and exercise now that I have been living this lifestyle for a number of years.

  3. Here is a website with super yummy recipes. A lot of it is focused on getting kids to eat healthier foods, but I have tried several of the recipes for myself and I haven't been disappointed yet. From homemade hummus to tofu packets and a healty version of rice crispy's a must see for simple, yet yummy recipes. Healthy kids translate into healthy adults!!

  4. Anyone who thinks "YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT" is just a cute saying had better think again! Nutrition is the key to fitness. Most experts now believe that fitness = 75% nutrition + 25% exercise. You can work out as much as you want but if you keep eating junk you will never get fit.

  5. Thanks for the great posts, we all love hearing and sharing our nutrition tips. Keep them coming!
