Wednesday, July 28
Tuesday, July 27

"I like coconuts, you can break them open and they smell like ladies lying in the sun" ~ Widespread Panic
Seriously, coconut water is a pretty amazing drink (tasty) and it wasn't until recently that it has been recognized as such a healer.
- Naturally low in carbs
- 99% fat free
- Low in sugars
- Natural isotonic beverage
- Carry nutrients and oxygen to your cells
- Raise your metabolism
- Boost your immune system
- Cleanse your digestive track
- Control diabetes
These are just a few of the health benefits that are being linked to this natural treat. Please follow the link below to learn it's history and current discoveries. Fascinating.
Health Benefits of Coconut Water - Drinking Coconut Water Benefits
Zico Coconut water is available for $2.50 before, during or after class. Try it!
Monday, July 26
If you really want to do something, you will find a way. If you don't, you'll find an excuse. ~ Unknown
Sunday, July 25
Friday, July 23
Thursday, July 22
Wednesday, July 21
Tuesday, July 20

Monday, July 19

Sunday, July 18
Saturday, July 17
Friday, July 16
There is more refreshment and stimulation in a nap, even of the briefest, than in all the alcohol ever distilled. ~ Edward Verrall Lucas
Make or take the time to nap this weekend. I am not sure there is anything better after a long week, hot day in the sun, good exercise than a 20 minute cat nap. Curl up in a cozy chair or on your couch and drift off into a sweet slumber. Let go of the to-do list and just rest, it's a good thing and you will be amazed how refreshed you will feel when you wake. Don't climb in bed or close the blinds - this would be too much like going to bed. Keep it light - nap, it just feels good!
Thursday, July 15

Tuesday, July 13
We all want to please someone - our boss, our family, parents, friends, spouses, even kids. It can provide great moments of pleasure and satisfaction, but at some point exhaustion sets in. We can not be everything to everyone all the time, work to be pleasing to yourself. Others will reap the benefits of a rested, energetic, happy you.
Monday, July 12

I tried stand up paddle boarding for the first time yesterday. I was curious to see how different it was from surfing. The conditions were calm and smooth so it was a great day for a beginner. Once my legs stop trembling and got used to the feel of the board, I felt very balanced (thank you GoYoga) and perfectly content. There were others all around curious pf this new sport. Some experienced and catching what small waves were to be had. Others were like me just paddling back and forth figuring things out. For me it was very soothing, not the surfer rush I feel to paddle out, search out the perfect wave, adrenaline to paddle, paddle and then pop up - just a slow, steady view of the sea and the shoreline. A school of dolphins gracefully passed by which is always a lovely sight. A new sport - paddle boarding - I enjoyed my introduction and look forward to doing again soon. Be curious about something and try it!
Sunday, July 11

Friday, July 9

Thursday, July 8

1)Water Safety; 2)Surf Etiquette; 3)Warm Up & Stretching; and 4)Wave Riding.
To join us, click on 'RELEASE FORM'. Fill out the form and bring it with you on July 10th. Slots will be filled on a first come, first served basis, with a limit of 180 participants and a start time at 9:00AM. So get there Early! The event will take place at Sadler Rd. Beach Access on Fernandina Beach.
Be sure to check out our additional info : About FIRST SURF™, Directions/Parking, FIRST SURF™ Photos, and PRESS.
Thank you for your continued support of FIRST SURF™! See you Saturday, July 10th!"
Wednesday, July 7
Tuesday, July 6

Monday, July 5
Sunday, July 4
Saturday, July 3

Friday, July 2
Thursday, July 1
If this statement is true and I think it is, we don't have to go very far to have a vacation. Spend an afternoon with someone that makes you laugh, pick up the phone and giggle, rent the silliest comedy that gets you every time. You will be taken to that relaxing vacation spot instantly. How great is that? If a travel is not in your budget, surround yourself by things and people that bring a smile to your face and fill your life with laughter. Belly laugh as much as possible, as often as possible (hey, you can even consider it an ab workout)!