Friday, April 30
Thursday, April 29
Isle of Eight Flags Shrimp Festival
The 6 o'clock Shrimp Festival Parade tonight kicks off the start of a busy time on our sleepy little island. The weather is absolutely perfect and everyone seems alive with energy! I know traffic gets crazy, restaurants crowded; but it is such a fun tradition to walk down Centre Street not only to see amazing talent in each booth, but to people watch. Wow, where do they all come from?
The 6 o'clock Shrimp Festival Parade tonight kicks off the start of a busy time on our sleepy little island. The weather is absolutely perfect and everyone seems alive with energy! I know traffic gets crazy, restaurants crowded; but it is such a fun tradition to walk down Centre Street not only to see amazing talent in each booth, but to people watch. Wow, where do they all come from?
Food, crafts, kids activities, antiques - something for everyone. So, do not dread the masses - be apart of them and discover some new form of art you may have never seen or liked before. These artisans showcase their passions for all of us to see. Appreciate it and tell them so.
Classes Thursday and Friday evening are cancelled. Go enjoy or be part of the parade. If you have a Sol Pedal shirt - please wear it this weekend and support the fun community we are creating!
If you need a shirt or water bottle for the weekend...please see me! Shrimp Festival sale $15 per shirt and 2 water bottles for $5! Shirts organic cotton and bottles eco-friendly! Don't you just love a deal!
Classes for Friday 6am/Elizabeth and 8:30/Leslie (no 5pm with Hamp this week) and Saturday 8:00/Leslie - please come! Get your metabolism revved up before the festival food kicks in!
Also, HUGE sidewalk sale at Red Otter and Driftwood Surf Shop all weekend!
panaramic photo taken by William Raser
Tuesday, April 27
Monday, April 26

Happy Birthday Deb!
43 minute pool (maybe ocean swim), 43 mile bike ride (Huguenot and back), 43 minute run, followed by 43 pushups and 43 situps. Starts at Rec Ctr pool at 7:30. Just how old are you?
Doing what you love with like minded people - it will be a great day!
Sunday, April 25
Saturday, April 24
Friday, April 23
Thursday, April 22

It's Earth Day!
What does it mean to you?
A 7 year old in my carpool told my daughter..."Hey, Thursday is Hippie Day, what are you wearing?" So Earth Day is now dress like a Hippie Day, hmm. Funny how kids and people relate things and events. The whole car chimed in and talked of tie-dye clothes, peace symbols, then what kind of shoes did hippies wear? I guess everything is relative and awareness is the common link. Interesting how peace symbols and tie-dye clothes are very fashionable right now. All products, hotels, fabrics are going "Green." Some may argue it is all a marketing ploy, but it feels good to buy recycled items and non-harmful cleaners.
Whatever, however you choose to celebrate Earth Day, be mindful of the little things we can do to help make our earth and the world around us cleaner, safer and happier.
It is fun to recycle - let your kids see you saving cans and washing plastics.
Refill eco-friendly plastic, aluminum, or stainless steel water bottles instead of reaching for a new plastic one each time you are thirsty.
Carpool, not only to school but wherever you are going.
Use energy efficient light bulbs.
Keep your re-usable grocery bags in your car and use them in all stores.
Little things mean a lot and if we all do something, we are helping to create a brighter tomorrow for us, our kids and their kids. Enjoy Earth Day - if nothiong else, be mindful.
Remember all attending classes today receive free Sol Pedal water bottles. Use them!
Wednesday, April 21
Reduce Reuse Recycle
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
Remember eco-friendly Sol Pedal water bottle give away tomorrow!
Remember eco-friendly Sol Pedal water bottle give away tomorrow!
Tuesday, April 20

Thursday April 22nd is Earth Day!
Everyone attending class on Earth Day gets a FREE eco-friendly Sol Pedal water bottle.
Americans drink twice as much bottled water as they did 10 years ago, for an annual total of over nine billion gallons with producer revenues of over 12 billion.
40% of bottled water that is purchased at a gas station or super market is just tap water in disguise. Unlike tap water, where consumers are provided test results each year, the water bottle industry is not required to report contaminant testing that it conducts. Laboratory tests at one of the country's leading water quality laboratories found that 10 popular brands sold in grocery stores and other retailers in 9 states contained 38 pollutants altogether, with an average of 8 contaminants in each brand. EWG Research
Fill up your Sol Pedal water bottle again and again with filtered water from the studio. You will save money and eliminate the plastic leaching possibilities. I can't think of an easier step in going green.
If you miss class Thursday, you can still purchase one of these super cool and safe bottles for $5.
Monday, April 19
instead of Earth Day, let's celebrate Earth Week
We are the World - let's do what we can to make it a brighter place.
Anyone attending class this Thursday, April 22nd - Earth Day - receives a free Eco-friendly Sol Pedal water bottle!
Good luck to our friends running the Boston Marathon today and congratulations to our Katie Riders!
Sunday, April 18
5 minute Hummus

5 Minute Hummus
1 15 oz can chickpeas, rinsed
1 clove garlic
1/4 cup olive oil, pus more for serving
2 tbl. fresh lemon juice
2 tbl. tahini (sesame seed paste, optional)
1 tsp. ground cumin
Kosher salt
1/4 tsp. paprika
In a food processor, puree the chickpeas and garlic with olive oil, lemon juice, tahini (if using), cumin, and 3/4 tsp salt until smooth and creamy. Add 1 to 2 tablespoons water as necessary to achieve the desired consistency.
Transfer to a bowl. Drizzle with olive oil and sprinkle with paprika before serving.
taken from Real Simple May 2010
Saturday, April 17
Friday, April 16

If you have been sitting, stand.
If you have been standing, sit.
If you have been traveling, stay home.
If you have been home, travel.
If you have been teaching, learn.
If you have been learning, teach.
If you have been listening, talk.
If you have been talking, listen. ~ AnnHarriet Buck
Do something different today, you will be surprised how good it feels and what the outcome might be. Routine is comfortable and much needed and desired at times, but a shift even if only in perspective gives a break to new possibilities. Be open to change today. Be the change today.
Thursday, April 15
Tax Day Freebies

"Isn't it appropriate that the month of the tax begins with April Fool's Day
and ends with cries of "May Day!" ~ Rob Knauerhase
Take your own mug to Starbucks for a FREE tall brewed coffee and then Enjoy a stress relieving FREE spin class Thursday, April 15th (classes 9:15 and 5:30).
If you know of any other freebies today, let us know!
Wednesday, April 14

Don't have your eyes on the rear view mirror, look forward. ~ unknown
How many times do we think or say I should have, could have, would have done that. Stop looking to the past. You can not change what has been done, so why waste your time. You can only more forward with the knowledge that you gained from your decisions or circumstances.
Today is a new day, embrace it and love this moment and look forward to what lies ahead.Monday, April 12

Sol Pedal's faithful friend, Richard Butts and instructor, Joanne Kelsay will be participating in the Katie Ride this weekend. I have had every intention of gathering a large group together, designing jerseys and riding, but time has gotten away from me.
I have ridden the past couple of years and it is a wonderful cause, not to mention a well run and supported Ride. At one of the rest stops a few years back, a visitor was stopped and asked what was the reason for all the bikers. I told him it was for organ donation awareness and briefed him on Katie Caple's story. He was the recipient of an organ donation and was so touched. He then drove to the Rec Center on Atlantic and thanked Mr. Caples and the volunteers. Establishing meaningful connections is what these events are all about, what a great feeling.
If you are looking for someone to ride with, no matter the distance (15 to 100 miles) or pace, please consider riding with us. Both Richard and JoAnne are extremely knowledgeable about bikes, biking safety and the rules of the road.
Each person riding should follow the link and register. There is a $100 entry fee that goes toward organ donation awareness.
If you would like to ride with Sol Pedal, please email me or Richard at or Joanne at
It will be a fabulous Saturday, please join the Katie Ride for Life!
Sunday, April 11
Thursday, April 8
Value: Learning to count is important, learning what counts is even more important.
The older I get, yes 36, I begin to realize what really matters in my life. It's those little things - what the kids say and do, the skip in my dog Charlie's step when we go out each morning, the new blooms on the flowers and tree, even the smell of coffee brewing each day that are valuable. Not the new outfit, new car - sure those things are nice, but they are just things.
Look around you today make a list of what really counts in your life. Hold onto it and be thankful.
Tuesday, April 6

Travel is more than A to B. Travel should encourage a departure from the everyday.
Go somewhere today...even just a drive off the island. Pretend you are on vacation. We tend to follow the same routine each day, same breakfast, same workout times, same driving routes. We are creatures of habit. Break the old habits today and start fresh. Make today different, depart from the routine and start something new. And when you drive over the bridge, take a deep breath in and know you have arrived. You will feel fresh and alive!

Spring Break is all around us and you can feel the energy on the island. I love the happiness and lighthearted attitudes that come with the first warm weather days. We are very lucky to live in a place people come to vacation, to relax, to unwind. Living here, we sometimes overlook it's greatness.
The children and I spent the afternoon at the beach with family. I sat and looked at the waves form, each different, each perfect in its own way. Then I watched the people around me. Kids playing in the surf, building castles in the sand, throwing frisbees and balls. So alive and it made me smile.
The people gathered on the beach didn't seem to be thinking of unfinished word at the office or even what they were going to cook for dinner - they were enjoying the present moment. The beach goers came to the beach with all their heart, their soul and the happiness was felt up and down the coast.
So, everyday may not be a beach day; but you can make each day happy, healthy and full of heart. Try it.
Monday, April 5

I have been exercising most of my life. It is my "drug of choice" so to speak! I have been spinning from the beginning when it was first introduced back in the 90's and teaching for several years. Riding outdoors is also a passion and I have participated in many organized rides around Jacksonville. I did my first century ride last year with my son. We had a blast! I also did my first sprint triathlon last year. I feel the key to staying young is exercise!
I am also a registered nurse and a mother of two sons. I have been living on Amelia Island for 5 years now. I find solace in living near the beach. Walking on the beach, sitting and reading on the beach - I just love being there and feel fortunate to be living here.
I hope to add to people's well being through fitness and fun! Come ride with me!
Joanne teaches Monday and Wednesday evenings at 5:30.
Sunday, April 4
Saturday, April 3
Friday, April 2

Hamp Tanner is our instructor for the Friday afternoon class known as "Bike and Beer" also known as "It's 5 o'clock somewhere and that somewhere is right here." This is our class to help you kick off your weekend with a good sweat thereby earning yourself a cold, tasty craft brew hand -selected by Hamp each week. (Of course, you must be 21 to enjoy a beer, but not to come for the ride.) Hamp starting riding in 2006 and has enjoyed numerous sprint triathlons, a few Olympic triathlons, and one half-Iron distance triathlon. But, he is quick to admit that his knowledge of music and beer far exceeds his biking prowess. Come for the fun and gain a little fitness on the side.
Hamp teaches Friday at 5:00.

Thank you for making Sol Pedal's first month such a success. I am grateful to all of you! It is so fulfilling seeing new and old faces come alive on the bike. It makes me happy to share my love for spin with you all - it is good for the body and soul.
Have a fantastic Easter weekend. Enjoy a Peep, Cadbury egg, Reese peanut butter egg, chocolate bunny - we will work it off next week!
Thursday, April 1

Bruce Dunham is a health insurance underwriter by day, but like most guys, wishes he were a professional athlete. He figures the closest that he us going to get to that goal is getting paid to teach spinning classes. Bruce started spinning about 10 years ago and started teaching 5 years ago. He took a break while training for an Ironman, but is excited to rock out while teaching every Thursday night. Bruce can be found running, biking, swimming, playing tennis, coaching soccer, or anything else as long as he is outside. Bruce has 11 marathons under his belt, numerous triathlons (sprint all the way to Ironman distance), and just completed a 50K trail run.
Bruce alternates teaching with his wife, Deb, on Thursdays at 5:30.
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