"If we could see the miracle of a single flower clearly, our whole life would change." ~ Buddha
I am not much of a gardener, but each spring I get so inspired and love the thought of a beautiful garden. So, I load up my cart when the weather seems safe and set out to plant beautiful flower beds in my yard. Boy, do they look great the first couple of weeks and then out of nowhere, a couple start to wither away. I fertilize and water and try to bring them back to life. Some recover, some not so fortunate. Hey, I try and enjoy the process.
This spring in particular, I have noticed the beautiful rose bushes growing next door. I am not a traditional red rose fan, but love the peachy pinks and yellows. As I leave my house each day, I have watched the tiny buds burst into the most gorgeous flowers. What a amazing process! Nature's elements occur in harmony to bring us this art show of color, smell and texture.
Watch something grow. Behold a miracle.
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