Come, relax and enjoy the ride!

I am excited to open my own cycling studio, Sol Pedal. To be doing what I love and have loved for the past 6 years is a blessing. Many of you have ridden many miles with me, so come back and lets travel together. Time flies as we cycle to an eclectic mix of music. I created the studio to be funky and fun, a place where you feel surrounded by happy, healthy energy.

So join the Ride. Its the only hour of your day that you can completely get away. We sweat, sing along, push each other and have a blast. Sure it's exercise, but that doesn't mean it can't be fun! After all, life is what you make it!

Wednesday, June 30

The path to our destination is not always a straight one. We go down the wrong road, we get lost, we turn back. Maybe it doesn't matter which road we embark on. Maybe what matters is that we embark. ~ Barbara Hall

Moving is the key. Mentally and physically. Keep moving, always growing.

Tuesday, June 29

Bow to your true self. a blog by Deborah Dunham

Please take time to read this wonderful blog post by an incredible, local runner and Sol Pedal spin instructor, Deborah Dunham. It is beautifully written and oh, so true.


Monday, June 28

No one is better; no one is less. We are each and all simply being who we are, and doing what we do. No praise, no blame, just living and learning. ~Unknown

What is it that makes you you? With all our special talents we can offer those around us so many unique gifts. Do this and see how we are all different yet very similar. Enjoy those around you this week. Meet someone new and listen and learn from them.

Sunday, June 27

Cabo Lan Lucas, April 2010

In matters of style, swim like the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock. ~ Thomas Jefferson

Saturday, June 26

"Who are you?," asked the caterpillar. "I-I hardly know, sir, just at present, " Alice replied rather shyly. "I knew who I was when I got up this morning, but I think I must have changed several times since then." ~ Alice's Adventure in Wonderland

Be open to change for nothing stays the same and it is only with change that we grow. Enjoy your weekend! Thanks to all who came to the Ribbon Cutting party last night - it was great!

Friday, June 25

Our acts and words are a wee part of our lives! Our real life is led in our head, and is known to none but our self - Mark Twain

Scary, eh? The things that go on in our heads - wow. Slow those things down and live through your heart. Sounds easy enough, but might be one of the hardest things to do. When you feel a little stressed, scared, angry, sad take a couple of deep breaths and relax. Calm those crazy thoughts. Think others know what you are going through, they really have no clue. So just be yourself and love the life you are creating - even if it is all in your head.

Thursday, June 24

FUN things to do around the island this weekend:

Sol Pedal Ribbon Cutting and Summer Party 5 o'clock this Friday.
Friends, food, fun - enter to win 1 year of spin classes!

Spin at 8am on Saturday!
Spin at 9am on Sunday!

Music in Central Park this Sunday June 27, 4:00-7:30

Three diverse musical groups, The Karl Davis Band (funky Blues), Finish it Off (teen alternative rock) and Simply Righteous (reggae acoustic rock) will be playing under the Gazebo to benefit a local 20 year old, Stephen Tiner, who is suffering with viral cariomyopathy. He is hoping to qualify for a heart transplant after spending almost 6 weeks at Shands, Gainesville.

Bring the family for an afternoon of entertainment!

Wednesday, June 23

Life is the art of drawing without an eraser.~ John W. Gardner

Life can be compared to many things...a book, a movie, a drawing. What would your drawing or mural look like? A little of everything: brights, pastels, neutrals, charcoal, pencil. Think of your life as drawing and make it appealing to you. Art is highly subjective, enjoy the rendering of your life.

Tuesday, June 22

"I'm a lot older than you but I tend to think there's an element of music that can not be captured. Life cannot be captured. The human heart cannot be captured." ~ Parker Wilson (Richard Gere) in Hachi: A Dog's Tale

I watched the movie Hachi this weekend. I have sat here for a while trying to figure out which parts to include and which parts to leave out as to not ruin the story. Hmmmm. So after further thought, I will say that dog lovers/animal lovers should go out and rent this movie. It is based on a true story and gives a dog's perspective - which I have to admit I have never really thought much about. (What they see, who they recognize and their natural instinct for time and routine). It's pretty amazing, and when a dog or any animal for that matter loves, they love unconditionally and do capture our hearts. It is a beautiful thing. Hachi.

Monday, June 21

A good laugh and a long sleep are the best cures in the doctor's book. ~Irish Proverb

Sometimes we get so serious about chasing things we suspect that will lead to happiness that we exhaust ourselves in the process. Those things are inconsequential if we can't enjoy them because we have not taken care of ourselves.

All the success in the world means nothing if you're physically, emotionally, or spiritually depleted.

Take care of your mind, heart, and soul. Laugh, love, eat, move, rest and open up to joy. Nurture yourself and you may be surprised how the world around you does the same.

taken from Tiny Friday June 17th

Sunday, June 20

Have a great day Dads!

Saturday, June 19

Hamp Summer 1996 Interlochen, Switzerland

The brave don't live forever, but the cautious do not live at all. ~ Unknown

Friday, June 18

Summer Party &
Amelia Island Chamber of Commerce ribbon cutting!
Food, Beverages, Music, Friends and Family -
who could ask for anything more?

Friday, June 25th at 5 o'clock
Enter to win 1 year of free spin classes!

Thursday, June 17

Because of your smile, you make life more beautiful. ~ Thinh Nhat Hanh

Ever gotten up, been in just an OK mood? Your kids or that special someone wakes and gives you the best good morning smile ever and your whole mood shifts? Smiling is very powerful. How many other things that are free and require such little effort have such a powerful impact? It is pretty amazing.

So try it today. Smile as you work, clean, exercise, when you pay the clerk for your groceries or when you greet a stranger passing. Remember, it takes more energy to frown than it does to smile.

As JP from Go Yoga says, "Whip out your secret weapon - your smile." See how it can change you and the ones around you.

Wednesday, June 16

Don't forget...Father's Day is Sunday
Gift Certificates are available
Health might be the greatest gift to give or receive.

Tuesday, June 15

Feeling a little silly today and thought we could all use a good laugh. Hope this brings a smile to your face this Tuesday morning and every other time you watch. Gets better with age.

Oh, and good luck getting the "Hot Pockets" jingle out of your head. Have a fun day!

Monday, June 14

We all have a Story. How does your Story read? Would your Story be a comedy, a drama, an adventure, a thriller? Each morning you have the opportunity to create a new page or chapter, make it good and worth reading.

Saturday, June 12

Minds are like parachutes, they only function when they are open. ~ Thomas Dewyer

Friday, June 11

Get Over Anything

Don't let the mental hurdles standing between you and the body you want block your progress. To steer around any slim-down speed bumps, follow these simple secrets for rebooting your mood and workout.

YOU THINK: "Classes like spinning seem too intense for me."

Usually, we are afraid of the unknown, " Petrie says, so testing the waters first will eventually allow you to dive in. Observe a class from the warm-up and beyond rather than peek in at the midpoint, when the action is sweatiest and most intimidating.

RETHINK: GO AT YOUR OWN PACE "The greatest thing about Spinning is that you control your experience, " says instructor Kimberly Fowler, founder of YAS Fitness Centers in California. "If the instructor tells you to turn up the resistance go to where you feel you can keep up; then, if you get tired, lower it. (Psst! Those classmates who look like Lance Armstrong are probably doing the same.)

In any group exercise class, your main goal is to get the hang of it, so aim for form over speed.

taken from Fitness magazine June 2010

Thursday, June 10

Machines are not living things. So why should we take it so personally when one fails to function properly? Next time you're annoyed by malfunction, count to 10, calm yourself, and rejoice in you superiority to that machine: you are flesh and blood, able to enjoy life's blessing. And you're mature enough not to be rattles by inanimate objects. ~ 1001 Ways to Live in the Moment ~Barbara Ann Kigfer

Boy, is this a hard one when class starts in 10 minutes and my MP3 won't function. I can feel the anxiety and it can easily take over. Some of you have witnessed such stress. Ahh! How do we let it go when these plastic based machines really disturb us? We are so dependent on our phones, computers, cars, games to help us in our day. Help us yes, but it is not until they flake out that we realize just how much we depend on them. For me this is a scary realization. My music, my driving force behind my spin classes and the minutes before class, the screen freezes. I think it is just a weird reality check to see how we handle stressors that are far out of our control. Choose to be calm, work through it and know everything will be just fine.

Wednesday, June 9

School's out for the Summer!

Wow, what a fast school year. Relaxing days at the beach, swimming with friends, late afternoon cookouts, family vacations! What are your plans for the summer? Be safe, enjoy not being on such a schedule.

Now, how many days before the kids say "I'm bored?"

Tuesday, June 8

Traditional wisdom holds that a habit takes three days to form and three weeks to break. This sounds about right. You may have an iron will, and be brilliantly successful in resisting the temptation to lapse-but you must be patient as well as resolved. Stay strong and alert, and keep your weapons at the ready, until the monster is beaten. ~ 1,001 Ways to Live in the Moment by Barbara Ann Kipfer

I remember this from when I was trying to the the kids to sleep throughout the night. After three long, dreadful nights of practicing tough love and letting the children cry it out, the habit of waking up was broken and restful sleep finally arrived.

It's the same with exercise or eating well. Three days of feeling the sweat, three times forcing yourself to get back on that small saddle and three days of eating clean, you will want and crave these sensations more and more. We all know how hard it is to get back after vacation or just missing a couple days of our routine. There is no easy way get back into your healthy lifestyle, you just have to make the commitment to yourself and do it!

Three classes, that's all it will take. Make Sol Pedal a habit - a healthy habit!

Monday, June 7

I read this on Facebook yesterday and thought it more than worthy to share.

"There was a bartender in portland, and every time someone asked him how he was doing, he would say...'best day of my life'...hmmmm...i really like that...imagine if everyday was the best day of your life...

Why not make this day and every day the best day of your life? Don't just say it, believe it!

Sunday, June 6

Relax deeply
Dream big
Believe with all your heart

Saturday, June 5

To be rich in friends is to be poor in nothing. ~ Lilian Whitney

I am thankful for my friends today and everyday. I spent the day with a doing around Jacksonville yesterday with a loose plan. Lunch at one of the most fabulous places that I have been in a long time - The French Pantry. (a must for fantastic salads, breads and the desserts - wow!) and then to a movie that changed times on us. After learning the movie was a no go, we made the most of it and just walked in and out of shops in 5 Points. We poked our heads in a groovey vintage consignment shops, sat and watched a afternoon shower pass. It was nice not to have a huge plan or somewhere to be and something to do, just great conversation and exchange of ideas. A day, morning or afternoon away with friends is great therapy even if you don't think you need it!

Do something fun with your friends this weekend or call a friend you have not spoken to in a long while. You will smile, they will smile.

Friday, June 4

I want to do it because I want to do it. ~ Amelia Earhart

How many times have we talked ourselves out of doing something, eating something, calling someone, going somewhere. Why? The time is now, now is the time to do what you want and live the life you have been given to live.
I am watching the movie Amelia tonight and am amazed at Earhart's passion for flying and for life. She had such a strong will and desire to do what no woman had ever done. It's exciting just watching - find myself smiling at her accomplishments. Amelia followed her dreams and let nothing stand in her way.

Say yes to opportunities this weekend - you never know where they make take you.

Thursday, June 3

Spiced eggplant-lentil salad with mango

What's for lunch...what's for dinner?

I don't know about you, but during the summer I crave nice, cool lite salads. However, I do bore of the same old salads I am used to making. And why do salads that others make taste so much better? Weird, huh? I came across this article and thought some of the salads and mixture of ingredients look interesting and yummy. If you try one, please share with all of us how it was. Enjoy!

Click here for link: Fuel Up: 8 Healthy Power Salads

Wednesday, June 2

All is born of water; all is sustained by water. ~ Goethe

Seems as though the hot days of summer are upon us. Please make sure you are staying hydrated. Don't just drink after you exercise, drink before, during and after. Heck, even if you are not exercising - just getting in and out of your car or house, pack a water bottle and take it with you. Encourage your kids and loved ones to do the same. Summer has just begun, stay well and hydrated.

Tuesday, June 1

The worst bankrupty in the world is the person who has lost his enthusiasm.

Whether you are cleaning your house, writing a book, serving a customer, mowing the it with passion. Others will notice and you will too. Taking pride and doing our best makes our day and work much more enjoyable. Be confident with the choices you make and do what motivates you and do it with enthusiam.

New schedule starts today. Take note!