Come, relax and enjoy the ride!

I am excited to open my own cycling studio, Sol Pedal. To be doing what I love and have loved for the past 6 years is a blessing. Many of you have ridden many miles with me, so come back and lets travel together. Time flies as we cycle to an eclectic mix of music. I created the studio to be funky and fun, a place where you feel surrounded by happy, healthy energy.

So join the Ride. Its the only hour of your day that you can completely get away. We sweat, sing along, push each other and have a blast. Sure it's exercise, but that doesn't mean it can't be fun! After all, life is what you make it!

Saturday, March 20

just for today

Please watch and listen...

YouTube - Stand By Me Playing For Change Song Around the World

Have a beautiful weekend! Be there for someone, you never know when you may need them!

1 comment:

  1. You stood by me on Saturday, March 20th! Thanks for being a great partner - even when I'm topped out :)
