Wabi Sabi
A new spice for sushi? Not exactly. Wabi sabi is a term that describes beauty to be found in imperfection. It originates in Japan, where artist will often leave subtle fractures in the glaze or a rough surface on a bowl as a reminder of the wabi sabi nature of life. Wabi sabi recognizes that all of life is in a constant state of change and that decay is as much a part of life as growth.
"The concept originated in 16th century Japan with the tea ceremony, a ritual that provided a way to step out of the chaos of daily life and reconnect with that which was simple and tranquil," says Diane Durston, author of Wabi Sabi: The Art of Everyday Life. "Through the centuries, wabi sabi came to mean an approach to life and art that is in harmony with nature, one that values the handmade and rustic, and recognizes the impermanence of life. It encourages us to be respectful of age, both in things and in ourselves, and it counsels us to be content with what we have rather than always striving for more. Wabi Sabi has a hint of wistfulness."
8 ways to incorporate wabi sabi into your life
1. Use what you have. Don't always feel the need to go get something new, see what you have in the pantry or in your closet. Appreciate the things you have already spent your money on.
2. Make wabi sabi friends. Chat with someone who you might think is your complete opposite. Chances are you will learn something.
3. Do your best work - within reason. Ignore this if you are a surgeon or air traffic controller. everyone else, lighten up!
4. Cook recipes from your childhood. Instead of picking up takeout, make one of your mom's recipes. Enjoy every bite.
5. Relax on your housekeeping standards. The world won't end if their is dust on the furniture or things are in the right place. The house will be cleaned, just maybe not today. If people don't respond as you like, see #2.
6. Practice the art of hanging out. Give yourself permission to ignore the clock and your to-do list as you focus simply on being with people you enjoy.
7. When you drink tea, drink tea. In other words, don't multitask. You will get more and and be happier. And even if you don't get more done, you can stop worrying about it because #8.
8. Remember that life doesn't go on forever. It may end tomorrow, it may end 60 years from now. Either way, keep in mind the question asked by the poet Mary Oliver, "Tell me, what it is you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?"
mailed from my Mom - so sweet; taken from Womans Day April 2010
wow...I really need to incorporate Wabi Sabi into my life. It just made me smile saying it out loud!!! thanks.